What a year 2024 has been! Every year we all are encouraged to take time to reflect on the past year in order to prepare for the year ahead. By the time you’ve read this entry, I will have taken a couple days to take inventory of my 2024 and write out my plans for 2025. After taking inventory for yourself, here are three suggestions for the year, that I will try out myself.
Measure anything you take on this year against what will bring out the best version of yourself. Before you make your next move or decision, consider the plans you’ve written for the new year. Ask yourself will the next move or decision I make be in alignment with what I want to accomplish overall this year? If the answer is “yes”, go for it! If the answer is “no”, don’t do it! If you are not sure if it will or not, get counsel from an expert. Whatever you do, use your goals, resolutions, plans, vision board—whatever you’ve named them—as your guide to accomplishing your projections by the end of the year. Keep going!
Begin looking at your experiences through the lens of accountability. Let’s face it…it is not always someone else’s fault and if it truly is another’s fault, we can always think about our role, and what different choices could have been made for different results in the future. Give more attention and take responsibility for owning our thoughts, motives, and actions in order to grow into who we are becoming!
Give yourself and others grace. Stop being so hard on yourself and others for bad decisions and bad behavior. Take a moment and recognize we all have shortcomings and different levels of development. Extend the grace that you would want to receive. Take some deep breaths! Say a kind word (or say nothing at all)! Lend an ear! Offer encouragement! Praise in public and reprimand in private (paraphrased from the book- “Unreasonable Hospitality” by Will Guidara) As you continue to build character; pay it forward!
Thank you to everyone who was a part of my business journey in 2024. You’ve propelled me into 2025 with your support, wisdom, trust, and love! I could not have made it here without you! In 2025, Get ready to BE BOLD, EFFECTIVE, AND PRODUCTIVE! Most of all BE LOVE! Let’s Goooo…! Can’t wait to see how our year ends up!
Happy New Year